We'd also like to send a special thanks to
+ Santa
+ Our Alton Fire Department
+ Andrew Welsh our Town Crier
+ Paul Morin Hosting our event and inviting the community back to his gallery for the showing of The Grinch that Stole Christmas
+ Eric Wood for leading the community in singing
+ Vicki Anderson-Daniell for cooking the hot dogs
+ Spirit Tree for providing Apple Cider
+ The Reynolds family for providing hot dogs
+ D&D Commercial Services – Emanuel Cini for providing hot dog buns
+ The community for providing cookies
+ McLean-Sherwood Event Rental for providing us with lighting
+ All Community Volunteers who helped and a special thanks to Rae Brown for all his help.
+ Mayor Allan Thompson
+ Area Councillor Lynn Kiernan
+ Regional Councillor Ian Sinclair
+ The Region of Peel for providing recycling and garbage bins and pick-up
If we have missed anyone we apologized in advance.