As most residents are aware, the Town of Caledon is planning road reconstruction to Alton on Queen Street West and Main Street North. To this end, they recently completed the Alton Environmental Study Report that included consultations and technical studies. In addressing the need to reconstruct the road, the Report recommends improvements to active transportation (pedestrian and cyclist) facilities, rehabilitation of the Main Street Bridge (at Queen Street), improvements to drainage and stormwater management and enhancing the streetscape throughout the Village. See link below to the Report.
However, the Report only includes some 30% of the design decisions – while laying out recommendations for decisions to be made next - in the “Detailed Design and Consultation Phase”. Further, most areas of concern raised by residents will only be addressed in the Detailed Design Phase planned for later in 2022. Reconstruction work is planned for 2024.
For this Detailed Design Phase, the AVA is reaching out to strengthen relationships with Town officials. Also, to ensure the best possible outcome, we have requested improved consultation and decision making processes. In reply to date, the Town has committed “to the involvement of key stakeholders such as the Alton Village Association during detail design on key items including streetlighting (type, placement, shielding etc.), streetscaping (locations, types), and traffic calming measures (locations and types).”
There is much community work ahead to preserve our Village’s unique character.
Link: Alton Village Environmental Assessment - Town of Caledon