As per the previous UPDATE #40, our Contractor will be completing placement of top asphalt and new thermoplastic pavement markings on Monday, June 24, between 07:00AM and 5:00PM, weather permitting.
As such, Queen Street East will be closed to through traffic from Main/Queen Intersection to Queen/Porterfield Intersection.
We will be notifying all emergency services. Local traffic, West of the railway tracks, can entire/exit from the West only. Local traffic, East of railway tracks, will have limited access to properties due to paving operations and encouraged to vacate driveways (if needed) prior to 07:00 AM. OPP Pay Duty Police Officers will be on site to assist with traffic control and roadway closures.
We will be bringing in additional equipment and manpower to complete this work as quickly as possible. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
I will continue to provide updates with major milestones and highlights for both Phases of the project.
Once again, should you have any questions, please contact me at
905-791-7800 ext. 8754 or [email protected].
Serguei Kabanov, CD, CET, rcca
Project Manager Roads – Design and Construction Public Works
10 Peel Centre Drive Suite ‘B’, 4th Floor
Brampton, Ontario
L6T 4B9
Tel: 905-791-7800 ext. 8754
Cell: 416-902-7425
[email protected]