+ August 19: roadway open-single lane during the day with flagging, milling/asphalt removal up to Porterfield RD – COMPLETED
+ August 20: roadway open-single lane during the day with flagging, milling/asphalt removal up to railway tracks – COMPLETED
+ August 21: roadway open-single lane during the day with flagging, placement of base asphalt up to Porterfield RD – IN PROGRESS
+ August 22: roadway open-single lane during the day with flagging, placement of base asphalt up to railway tracks
+ August 23: roadway closed-OPP pay duty in place during the day, placement of top asphalt
+ August 26: roadway open; shoulders, replacement of guide rail and line painting
All works is scheduled between 07:00am and 7:00pm. Emergency vehicles will be notified and have access. Schedule is weather dependent